Legal Disclosure

Vereinsname / Association Name: Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit  – 4peace

Vereinssitz / Association Address: Fechtergasse 8/1, 1090 Wien

Vertretungsbefugte Person / Responsible Person: Mag. Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer

Blattlinie / Mission Statement:

peaecamp is a 10-day multicultural encounter of young people of different nationalities/religions/cultures.
peacecamp builds on pedagogical-therapeutic workshops in which the young participants are challenged to deal with their own and “foreign” stories, religions and cultures. In this way, political reality(s) and narratives should be learned and discussed to contribute towards a more peaceful world for everyone.
In the workshops non-violent forms of problem and conflict management are tested, one’s own conscious and unconscious feelings towards “others” are explored and active, solidarity-based action is encouraged.
The young participants should learn to achieve common goals through creativity and cooperation. Boundaries (both physical and linguistic, distances or those in the mind) should be conquered.
Cornerstones of the encounter are psychology, social work, political activism and art.
The project took place annually from 2004 to 2019, had to pause for 3 years due to the pandemic and will return in 2023.

A project of the association 4Peace, the psychoanalyst Mag. Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer.